Gap Creek Project

Gap Creek Restoration Project-Sediment

The Gap Creek Stream Restoration Project addresses pollution caused by too much sediment in Gap Creek, a tributary of the Watauga River, which discharges to Boone Lake. Gap Creek is located in southeast (?) Elizabethton and is listed on the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation’s “impaired waters” list due to of high levels sediment. The project included stream bank restoration and/or stabilization of 1,056 linear feet of stream bank at Clark Homestead, L.L.C. (a mobile home park).within the Elizabethton City limits. . The creek banks were restored through reshaping and thoughtful re-vegetation of appropriate species (tag alder, buttonbush, and silky dogwood). 

Gap Creek  Grant Application– E. Coli

A grant proposal was submitted for to address sources of E. coli in Gap Creek.  The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation added Gap Creek to its list of impaired waters when it detected the levels of E. coli present in the stream in 2010.  The project, if approved, will address failing septic tanks along the creek in Elizabethton.